Learn the Surprising Truth About Hearing Loss and Brain Health
It’s crazy to think that we can lose up to 10% of our brain matter with hearing loss. Yet on average people wait 7 – 10 years to take action.
As a result we decided to create this Webinar Series. We want to help educate you about the connection between untreated hearing loss and dementia. As well as share the latest research on the topic.
Above all give you some compelling reasons to act.
Our Hearing & Brain Health Webinar
Andrew Campbell is a Master’s qualified Audiologist.
Our a 10-week period, short weekly videos are sent to your inbox. Each video is full of interesting information about the latest research to do with brain health and hearing.
Topics covered include but not limited to:
- Brain health,
- Cognitive decline
- Hearing loss and tinnitus.
You are also given practical tips to use straight away.

To watch Video 1 of the 10 week series and register click the blue button.
Andrew will also be doing a weekly Q and A session with an expert on a related topic to brain health and hearing loss.
In Week 1, Andrew talks to Jill Searle, a Registered Psychologist about the impact of social distancing during the current health crisis.
A recent blog post on the impact of social isolation’ drew far more interest, compared to similar posts. As a result we decided our first Q and A would be about social isolation.
In a Q and A format Andrew and Jill you learn:
- The impact of social isolation on mental and brain health.
- Associated research on the impact of social isolation.
- Practical advice to help you cope with physical distancing.
The video has been posted below for you to watch. If you have any questions feel free to get in contact with us. Contact Andrew at andrew@neuaudio.com.au. To make a booking to have your hearing tested click here