The Unfortunate Truth
Less than 1%
of Cambodians that need hearing aids have them primarily due to cost.
85% of those live in abject poverty.
2 million Cambodians live with disabling hearing loss.
$2,600 is the average income earnt per annum.
In a country gripped by poverty, the weakest are quite often the hardest hit.

The least well off in Australia have access to welfare and free hearing services funded by the government, this is not the case in Cambodia. Older people in Cambodia have lived difficult lives, including civil war, political violence, displacement, and poverty resulting from the Khmer Rouge period. An increasing number are guardians of grandchildren due to the economic migration of their parents, or as a result of their parents’ separation or death. This further increases their living and health costs. Only 5% are eligible for any sort of pension meaning many have no choice but to continue working. Poor health (including problems with eyesight and hearing) directly affects their livelihoods, capacity to care for younger people and to participate in daily life.
What Our Patients Say
I had been to a well-known audio clinic that offered free hearing tests and results showed I needed hearing aids. None of the in-ear canal aids they offered were suitable for me as they caused pain. I didn’t want to wear the bulky external aids so I shelved the whole idea as it seemed too difficult. Andrew, as an independent audiologist is free to prescribe whatever he thinks is suitable. The whole experience has been a revelation! He recommended neat, discreet hearing aids. They have been life-enhancing from the start and without one instance of pain. They even cost slightly less than the ugly type the other company had suggested.
Gary James, Mt Nebo, Brisbane
The tinnitus I had tried to ignore for 20 years had increased to a very disturbing pitch! I couldn’t imagine enduring this new excessive discomfort but believed I had no choice. At my first appointment with Andrew, I was devastated at the thought of wearing anything permanently in both ears. Andrew explained his method so thoroughly that I took his advice with confidence and decided to proceed with tiny devices that are comfortable and discreet. The loud ringing reduced within a few days. I’m hearing effortlessly in challenging situations and can’t wait to fit them as soon as I wake up each morning.
Judith Cush, New Farm, Brisbane
"I’d been prescribed hearing aids from another company, but I hardly ever wore them because they were too bulky. I finally turned to Andrew at Neuaudio and haven’t looked back. At my appointment, he took me outside to the busy road and I burst into tears because I could hear the traffic and knew I could hear properly again! Nothing is ever too much trouble for Andrew. I think everyone in their 60s and 70s should go along to Neuaudio and get their hearing tested compulsorily. "
Helen Day, Brisbane
I was very grateful for the care and concern shown with my particular hearing problems. The changes made with my hearing aids made them so much more comfortable, therefore enabling me to make a great deal more use of them! … best experience I have had with my hearing aids.
Mary O’Connell
my book is out now
Learn about the most effective shortcuts to better hearing and a better life that may reduce your risk of dementia.